
Searching for Independent Man

"Sentukililippi yo tillusprit in ritty qwep!"

Did it work? Did this inane incantation produce an independent individual?

Hmm, let's see. Flipping channels here and there. Furiously turning and churning pages there and here. Nope. Nothing.

Where to find a Canadian independent politician? Free thinker? The Canadian political system, by its construct, discourages individualism. Within party lines independent thought is ruthlessly controlled. Party discipline is strictly maintained. This makes all names on the ballot imperceptible. When Canadians vote they vote for a party. Not necessarily a person.

Sure, Trudeau transcended trite Canadian parochialism - albeit a socialist one - but he was an anomaly. Dief the Chief was also an intriguing misplaced character. His nationalism led to a Canadian recreation of 'E Tu Brute?' after he was unceremoniously stabbed in the back. Loosely translated: 'You too, eh?'

Sigh, a magnificent and exciting third way, sigh, is not in the cards for us Canucks. Yipes, the NDP don't count. I hear they are changing their motto to "always the usherette but never the bridesmaid." They are the Dr. Pepper of Canadian politics. Dr. Pepper trails Coke and Pepsi (though the 'Pep' is probably owned by one of them. Who keeps track?) just like the sad sack NDP pick up the bread crumbs left behind the Liberals and Conservatives.

Speaking of the NDP, how's Layton's brilliant request to open a 'dia-log' with Al-Aqaeda going? Good one, Jackie. Really. I've heard stupid things in my day (and I've said my share) but this idea has to rank among the worst I have ever heard. It was so bad he deserved to have his politics license revoked. Maybe even his driver's license. He's a menace I tell ya!

I guess I'll just have to pretend that a man in a cape and special powers will one day swoop in and energize us all. Or execute....

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