
Take That For Derp: Wokespin Edition

Until the University of Texas realizes you have to have a black quarterback, and nothing against Ehlinger, you got to have a talented, black quarterback,” Campbell said. “All these schools that are winning, even in the pros, have black quarterbacks. When guys are not open, something can still happen.”

Let's rework this. /sticks tongue out of corner of mouth. Spins propeller on hat.

Until the University of Texas realizes you have to have a white quarterback, and nothing against Ehlinger, you got to have a talented, white quarterback,” Campbell said. “All these schools that are winning, even in the pros, have white quarterbacks. When guys are not open, something can still happen (ie whites aren't athletic like blacks).”

Thoughts woke people and ESPN?

A racist comment is a racist comment. And this is as racist as they come. Period.


Another woke athlete. Washington Nationals pitcher Sean Doolittle doesn't want to go the White House because he doesn't like how Trump talks.


Let’s keep in mind everyone and team who declined to go to the White House the next time a DEMOCRAT President is in power and people choose to not go.
Let’s sit back and watch the reactions. 
*Please see Tim Thomas for an example. I remember liberal sports writers losing their minds over this decision.


The NYT confirms there's indeed a deep state. Whoops! Our bad.

Except they're not a cabal or anything like that. They're just patriotic public servants.

Is that the spin you're going with because I gotta tell ya, there's not enough gravol in Venezuela to help with the dizziness.

Reminds me of the time when Trump claimed the Obama administration was spying on his campaign and making for a rough transition the media and wokesters laughed at the idea. Then Politico and other news outlets found out it was true. And not only were they spying on Trump but all Americans.

Yet, it didn't garner outrage as it ought to have. Rather, they still treat Obama as the second coming of Cincinnatus and Cato.

It's nauseating.

I link to The American Conservative as opposed to directly linking to NYT but their articles are behind a paywall and I ain't paying for that. You can look it up if you so desire. 


Is that how they describe envy now?

I appreciate articles like theses. It helps me to teach my daughter on how not to think about success.

When others do better than you, taking from them to assuage yourself is electrifying.

Another bizarro version of this is 'the state taking care of you makes you free.' For example, by making health care 'free' leads to more free time to start businesses. 


"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day..." 
"...I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false."

Thomas Jefferson. Geez, sounds like he snuff out CNN before it was a thing. 

You're better off not reading or watching the news. It's a conclusion I arrived at about 20 years ago. The media fills us with so much BS no wonder the populace seems confused and divided.

Think of it. They're willingly accepting leaked information from ONE person conducting an impeachment inquiry without due process in SECRET.

No one is taking issue with this, you know, crucial point. 

Instead, they're consuming a narrative being formed by Democrats and passing it off as objective journalism and fact. It's propaganda of the worst kind.

This alone should leave pause something isn't right.

Also. It's a bit of a joke how many corrections Wapo and NYT issue. They print a whole lot of conjecture and sloppy facts to convey a narrative (see Covington) and then when called out, they 'retract' (we regret the error) but the damage by then is done. It's almost as if they do it on purpose.

Or they're just that plain incompetent.


Good on the University of Michigan for doing the sane and right thing by dismantling their Bias Response Team. I get shivers every time I type those words or think about it.

Score one for the good guys.


How Democrats and progressives treat The Constitution:


Good article from Quillette on the state of journalism and dubious reporting at CJR.

Not too long ago, Bill Moyers penned an article at CJR basically calling for all media outlets to speak as one voice and bash climate change skeptics.

It was a foul read.


Even in the UK (not exactly a bastion of free speech and objective journalism these days) they notice something is amiss with journalism in Canada.


How about some verbal diarrhoea mixed in with a lack of self-awareness courtesy of The Atlantic?

C'man. You know you want it:

“Americans with a more conservative, or “fixed,” orientation value obedience in their children and strength in their leaders. They often fear the world around them, and prize stability and tradition over experimentation and change. By comparison, Americans with a more liberal, or “fluid,” worldview strive to raise independent, curious children and see empathy and tolerance as the most noble qualities a leader can embody. They believe in questioning authority and abhor performative shows of toughness.”
So much rubbish in such a small paragraph, however, let's unpack.

First off, let's get one thing clear. Progressives aren't liberals. What we understand liberalism to be is actually classical liberalism and this liberalism is being conserved in the conservative and libertarian ranks. Progressives are collectivists and illiberal. History, it seems. for the left began with Howard Zinn.

Moving on, there's a whiff of 'Me, the lefty writer has attained self-axtualisahun and therefore consider my thoughts to be good and final, while you, the far-right extremist in the deplorable camp, are too stupid to vote in favor of your own interests.

It's a bunch of unsubstantiated pseudo-intellectual word salad to support a priori conclusion.

This is a flock that likely thinks along the lines of: How can you vote for Trump? and No one I know voted for Trump and I would never befriend a Trump voter!

The irony is, it's not 'Trumpistas' who are acting with intolerance. It's the side that has refused to respect the result of a lawfully contested election. So much so, they tried to usurp its legality and taint the result through a manufactured crisis in the form or 'Russian collusion and hacking' and whatever else it absurdly devolved into.

"They believe in questioning authority and abhor performative shows of toughness.”

Until you question theirs. 

This statement belies the well-documented facts and reality of what's going on at 'street level'. The left has proven to be every bit the reactionary and intolerant whenever someone expresses disapproved opinions as we've seen on social media and college campuses.

Be it in school or at the ballot box, they have a collective meltdown whenever something doesn't go their way or someone has the audacity to challenge their orthodoxy.

And in cases when this behaviour is acknowledged, they then move to disingenuously make a claim of 'both sides do it'. Essentially dragging down others to their level. 

Shorter version: Diversity (based on skin not intellect thus not diversity of ideas) and tolerance (of a peer group that submits but not of differing opinion). In other words, they despise diversity and tolerance that doesn't hinge on approved thought and speech and the collective narrative. 

Ironic, given they sure love MLK yet espouse a distorted and disfigured version of his philosophy. 

Theirs is less about questioning authority in search of truth and more about bullying someone into thinking like them. Diversity and tolerance with us or bust! 

I would further add and end with, this notion ‘conservatism = fear’ and ‘liberals = reason’ is no longer tenable; if it ever was. It completely (and willfully I think) ignores the fact maybe – just maybe – smart, forward looking people with ‘fluid world views’ voted for Trump.

Gee, I wonder who are the ones living in fear really?


Get your head out of your asses because you may not smell your own shit but the rest of do.

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