
Obama's Cynical Cognitive Dissonance

As a Canadian, let me first say I didn't appreciate Obama - who hasn't shut up since 2016 - sticking his two cents and meddling into Canadian affairs by endorsing easily one of the most corrupt leaders in this country's history.

I guess misery loves company and the corrupt cover for one another.

That Obama is brazen in his public proclamations despite a long record of dubious actions while President and questionable rhetoric is now par for the course at this point.

I think he's one of the least scrutinized Presidents in my lifetime despite the laundry of scandals under his administrations.

Among those was the soft coup he helped orchestrate against Trump.

Remember when Trump said he was being spied on and everyone laughed?Yeh, that was true. And remember when Trump said there was a 'deep state' (which by the way - wink - everyone knew was true) and everyone laughed and said he was crazy? The NYT reported there's indeed a 'deep state' spinning it into a positive by claiming they're patriots.

With these proven relegations, the Russian narrative should come closer into focus now. For those who have been paying attention something stank from the very beginning.

Now comes this priceless story about Obama scolding the wokes.

On its surface, this is a welcomed added voice to the sordid world of woke culture from insufferable late night talk comedy to cancel culture to  faux-outrage and pseudo-intellectualism of toxic masculinity and cultural appropriation.

But dig a little and one realizes Obama played his own part (much like Ellen did when she had to explain to the totalitarian progressives in her camp her friendship to Dubya. How about 'fuck you mind your business? and never apologize?) in helping to create this foul and divisive culture of woke.

The biggest victims have been CEOs (I think this madness can be traced back to Mozilla firing their CEO over something he said), campus students and associations who lean conservative and of course comedians.

People's lives have been ruined because of this lynch mob looking for its pound of flesh. Either through being doxxed, attacked by Antifa or worse, killed by BLM militants.

The intellectual climate has taken a huge step back with the first casualty being free speech as critical thinking has been eroded to alarming levels.

Yet somehow the myth that Obama was a uniter who backed free speech and civil discourse persists. Take this quote from Reason's Robby Soave that encapsulates it:

"Obama has always been an eloquent defender of the culture of civil discourse and tolerance."

Has he now?

Did he do it through his support of BLM - who ended up killing officers in Louisiana, New York and Dallas? If Trump is (speciously of course) blamed for El Paso, then an even stronger case can be made linking Obama to BLM and their actions one could argue.

Was it through Title IX? His comments about Trayvon and uttering 'police acted stupidly?' Was it characterizing the terrorist murders at Fort Hood as a 'workplace accident?' Was it through lying about 'you can keep your doctor?' Was it through his failure to quell Ferguson? Was it through calling people 'bitter clingers'? Was it through comments like 'you didn't build that' and questioning how much is enough when he himself accords himself access to untapped wealth? Was it through his spying on Trump and American citizens? Was it through him suing Catholic nuns for not bowing to his demands on contraception? Was it through the tolerance of the Black Panthers? Was it through his shallow comments about American history being 'racist' and the legacy of the Crusades? Was it when Michelle said she was *finally* proud to be American after Barry's election? Was it when he asked people to politicize family gatherings during the Holidays to talk about Obamacare or when he threatened Supreme Court justices to toe the line?

As was always the case with Obama, he talks like he's Cincinnatus or Cato but he was more Alinsky and Marx. His administration pushed "Dear Colleague or comrade" letters to subvert due process and criminalize speech.  In truth, Obama has always been a coward full of shit on this topic. 

So excuse me if I take his comments with a grain of salt. You can't miss this cynical play on his part. His comments would have been far more useful when he held actual power but he couldn't do that since he had to protect his brand. Like he 'evolved' on gay marriage (the gay community gave him a pass for this), he's playing the same act here.

These are just some examples of the top of my head.

I'm failing to see how Soave - who writes for a LIBERTARIAN magazine - could come to such a ridiculous conclusion.

This reminds me of Justin and Trudeau up here. Talk about being civil only to engage in highly divisive rhetoric in practice. When they talk about 'diversity' it's based on the content of the skin. Not 'diversity of ideas' which is far more critical to the heath of a culture where intellectualism is concerned. The term 'diversity is our strength' is a meaningless catch phrase if the ends are 'quota systems' and results in canceling talks on school campuses with people one disagrees with.

Somehow they miss the point made by MLK. They celebrate him while seemingly oblivious to the fact they violate his dream.

It's no secret the progressive left have excelled at claiming to 'when they go low, we go high' only to actually go lower.


There's but one way and one way only to kill woke culture corroding institutions and corporations.

Never apologize and tell them to fuck off.

So when illiberal banshees come for you and they want you to grovel on The View you tell them to GO TO HELL.

Millennials need to straighten up, stop with the tattoos, knock it off with the service dogs, leaving the safe spaces and toughen the hell up before it's too late.

Dave Chappelle: "Political correctness has its place... I, personally, am not afraid of other people's freedom of expression. I don't use it as a weapon. It just makes me feel better. And I'm sorry if I hurt anybody. Etc., etc. Yada, yada, yada. Everything I'm supposed to say."

Exactly. The more who do it, the more we quell the witch hunts, the more these assholes like Richard Stengel (who was in Obama's administration by the way) can go fuck themselves.

Democrats aren't hiding the fact they do want the guns and to subvert the 1A.

Which led to another Chappelle comment many have already made but coming from a comedian it's refreshing when he said something like 'the second amendment is needed in case the first one fails'.


And guys like Stengel and most Democrats like AOC, Sanders, Warren and even Obama must NEVER know where the guns are.

This isn't 'right wing extreme' talk. This is backed up by the laws of nature and world history.

'Kill the billionaires' or 'soak the rich' = filling the productive peasants like those Kulaks.

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