
Things I Hate

Of which there are many. And no, this post is not about the PQ - those assholes.

It's about cable providers.

Specifically, the act of forcing me to pay for channels I don't watch or need. "Cancon stipulates that if you take these channels you must take these along with you. Oh, you want that channel? It's an additional $14.99 with another package."

That's the next step in the evolution of the Internet that will free up the consumer. One day, we will get to choose every single channel we're willing to pay for.

I can't wait for the day when the CRTC get their asses kicked and sent into irrelevancy into the harsh climate of Northern Manitoba.

Until those unelected paternalists are around, consumers will be slaves to their unilateral decisions.

1 comment:

  1. My hope is that one day some clever county (I have no idea what that would be in Canada) supervisor will begin the end of cable monopolies and start the dismantling of cable's stranglehold. In the U.S. county boards of supervisors grant monopoly status to a cable company who then becomes the sole cable provider for that county (or parts of that county because there is sometimes more than one cable provider who bribes sufficient a number of supervisors). But, you say, there is competition now; satellite provides (a grand total of TWO here) content (with similar programming packages) but they are not competition because their services are even more unreliable than the cable company's.

    Break them (cable companies) up as we did AT&T; make some company the provider and maintainer of the customer infrastructure and let the cable companies compete for providing content to customers through them.


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