

Are the scandals hanging over the Obama administration worse than Watergate?

Watergate became what it did because, I think, it was a first where one party broke into an office of its opponent. It was a double victory for the left because the Democrats were the victims. The story was broken by the Washington Post and made into a movie (naturally, Robert Redford playing a part) in which 'Deep throat' was made famous for other than sucking.

The rest is history.

Watergate is tattooed into the mindset of the American (and international) public.

Lots of scandals have broken since then and I wonder, is Watergate still as big a deal as some of the ones we've seen?

For our sake here, it seems to me Obama's administration has been wracked by serious problems - worse than Bush even - as I've highlighted in previous posts (I forgot to mention his totalitarian behavior towards privacy issues including with the press and whistleblowers).

Ok, let's say Fast and Furious is like Iran-Contra. Even. Let's say his continuation of the war machine (including the opening of Guantanamo - remember that?)  and attack of Libya without Congressional approval and drone strikes killing innocents. Perhaps not quite even with Bush's invasion of Iraq but really, not that far since he was not supposed to be a "violent" President. Katrina? By all accounts, Sandy wasn't handled any better and the same bureaucratic wrinkles that were present in 2005 were still around in 2012.

Benghazi? Plenty of embassy attacks took place under Bush - 13 I think. The problem is that, to our knowledge, none of those were blamed on a video to which a man was put in jail and stand down orders were given perhaps resulting in the deaths of American citizens. Benghazi is precisely disturbing for the attempted and original narrative, its apparent incompetence and subsequent refusal to set the record straight.

Pretty serious given America's standing is at stake.

Contrary to Hilary, it matters a whole lot. It should give pause to those who believe she's Presidential material given her "what difference does it make?" quip when the administration still hadn't come clean.

There are a bunch of little issues and then came the IRS.

This is a biggie. A major one. A scandal that points directly to the "tone" set by the president himself.

This was an assault on free citizens.

To the left, both are case closed. But they're choosing to be naive here.

Investigators are still interviewing employees of the Cincinnati branch so how can it be closed?

Yes, it's all political stone throwing on the part of the GOP. Believe that, and you've abandoned your duty as a private citizen to seek the truth from your own government.

Apathy drawn along political lines is a sad thing.

I know. Canada does that well.

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