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Senator Reid’s now infamous comments about President Obama seem to imply that only a “light skinned negro” could be elected President. He seems to imply that a more ‘authentic’ African American be unelectable in the US today. Is this true?

My answer is yes – if he is a liberal, but no, if he is conservative. The behaviour of the left and the right with regard to race is completely different these days. Mark Steyn illustrated this point perfectly in the last election with an incisive comment. He pointed out that in the Democratic primary, you have a white southern male, a woman, a Hispanic and a half-black man from Hawaii, yet for all their physical ‘diversity’ when it comes to ideology, they are all from the same cookie cutter. In contrast, even though all the Republican Presidential candidates were old white males, each nevertheless represented a distinct ideological viewpoint, some of which were at considerable variance from the party’s center of gravity, differences they (think Giuliani and McCain) did not try to conceal. In other words, when it comes to diversity, the Democrats are only interested in the ‘diversity’ of background, while Republicans will tolerate a diversity of ideas.

I think this is just as true of Conservatives and Liberals here in Canada as well. The Conservatives are now the idea party while the dominant party on the left (the Liberals) have morphed into a balkanized collection of ethnic groups - groups that seemingly care a lot about themselves and little about society at large, and who often nurse grievances with other such groups in the Liberal ‘big tent’. As a result, running a Liberal riding association in Toronto seems to require a degree in foreign affairs.
It's nice for the virtuous Cincinnatus to get some love. 

Liberals aren't dumb or evil. They eat onion rings like the rest of us. Sure, they may pronounce ketchup as catsup but that's no crime. Yet, anyway.

They just believe their values and beliefs are not up for debate. Nothing to see here. Move on. Everything has been figured out.

Sips sour milk

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