
Clip Of The Day

Paging Mr. Godwin. Paging Godwin.

I find it amusing how left-wing publications like Mother Jones defend this illiberal ignoramus framing it as though conservatives are mistreating and bullying her.

Can't be because of the content of what she says. Nope. It's because the right are terrible and are 'afraid of her'.

I'll concede that point. Decent and literate minds do fear her because we know exactly what her 'ideas' and behaviour lead to. Mass misery and failure.

She clearly is willing to exaggerate if not lie to keep herself relevant.

This person. This Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn't principled.

She's a hysterical totalitarian.

Tread carefully with this idiot America.

Other than that it infuriates me we're at the point in Western culture where these sorts of videos have to be made to remind how stupid some people are.

Concentration camps. Get out of here with that shit you miserable and insufferable buffoon Ocasio-Cortez.

And pick up a book or two. It'll do you good you goof ball.

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