
Ford Invokes The Notwithstanding Clause; Called A Dictator

At least no one has called him 'literal Hitler' so far like they do with Trump, right?

In any event, here's what I think.

I've said for years the notwithstanding clause should be murdered. It's an opt-out clause that has final say over liberty.

But it was, recall, applauded by many as an example of 'great Canadian democratic compromise' by probably the same people who are calling Ford for invoking it.

How can something be dictatorial if it's a legitimate tool of government at the disposal of politicians? When it was created did people actually think it was never going to be used? Quebec used it and no one seemed to mind. Although, again, on a philosophical level it's a ridiculous clause but politically it's legal.

Moreover, it's not like Ford wrote and forced it into Ontario law without a vote. It was there having been democratically created.

This predictable reaction from the left is not surprising as it reminds me of when Harper was elected they screamed, '66% of Canadians didn't vote for him ergo he must work with Parliament!'

No shit sherlocks. Like all Canadian governments who generally garner 30% of the vote.

Ford is trying to cut down the size of government and a judge blocked him. The judge acted inappropriately in my view and got in the way - like the activist liberal Federal judges of the 9th circuit in the USA did with Trump's travel ban in which SCOTUS eventually ruled in his favor - of a duly elected official trying to do his job.

Reduce the size of government. It's too big. Quebec should do the same thing.

Go get 'em Ford. Stick it to the bastards. Particularly the left-wing parasites launching various lawsuits against the government.

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