
Quirky Quebec

Apparently, the language czar attached to Anglo affairs (whatever the fuck the title is) Jean-Francois Lisee has publicly stated the STM is not prohibited from offering English services to clients.

Gee. Some normal response from the PQ finally. It's a rare sighting. Like Big Foot.

The STM claimed Bill 101 prevented them from speaking English to people. In the process garnering some negative publicity among some of its workers who took issue with some English speakers.

I want you to stew on that for a second.


Think how bizarre this is. A law prevents people from acting...civil to one another? No one in the STM was capable of standing up and saying, "Look, we have to do right by people. Our jobs is not to be political but to offer a SERVICE. In that public service, we meet people from all over the world. We want to project a proud and respectful Quebec. Not a parochial one fearful of another person's language. Do right by people."

How bloody hard is it to do the right thing?

Everyone stood around shrugging their shoulders until the government said it was ok?

This is a civil society? If this is not paternalism I don't know what it.

Lisee says all the right things. He seems to be catching up on all the grievances that have been built up for quite a while.

Problem is the actions of his party point to exactly the opposite.

Action speak louder than words.


The social malaise is so silly that I was at a chicken place earlier this evening and we noticed on the fans/ovens several stickers reading "Safety First." We joked about how long before some jackass hardline Quebecer complained and snithed on the company to the OLF for its English trangfressions.

We laugh a lot at the PQ and the OLF.

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