Unable to break the vicious, evil cycle of Canadian colonialism, the party has opted for trendy environmentalism. It's a strange shift in strategy for them to say the least. Even the little arrow that used to be red (to symbolize colonialism as it broke through the circle) is now green. Smooth. Haven't they heard? It's hard being green. Even their slogans are bizarre. R
econstruisons notre regions and
un Quebec en sante. Rebuild what exactly? The economy they never had and the one they essentially destroyed? What health? Outside having a
hedonism and
joie de vivre, Quebecers are not exactly known for an overall healthy lifestyle. They smoke more and exercise less than Canadians. I say
they because the PQ does not speak for me. Heck, who am I kidding? Do they really expect me to believe they think I'm a true Quebecer? That way it's easier to poke fun at them.

A word on the Clinton campaign. In light of the fact that everywhere Hilary goes Bill follows, her advisors have suggested she change her name to
Hilbilly in her fight against Obama. Obama has not commented.
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