Explain to me in this day and age how this could have been allowed to occur? How? An inquiry into the matter is only expected out in September and I await its content. Every person - and you know who you are - who had anything to do with this bridge has blood on its hands. I am sure this could have been avoided.

As for the politics itself, Charest - for his part - has failed to cut taxes or weaken the unions. Both the PQ and Liberals have proven to be pathetically incapable to deal with serious issues such as the third world state of our public health and still play the silly hand-out game with the Feds. Referendums and transit systems seem to be all they are interested in. In other words, they are good at spending (if not siphoning) your money. They can't even build a bridge or make day care work and they should once and for all be called out. For the record, I am fed up of having to subsidize every fricken impractical social program this province enacts. Quite frankly, it's the same old crap with the two major parties.
I'm not a cynic. However, it's hard not to be one these days.
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