I was reading that the Federal government has allocated, transfered, given away (whatever) $300 million to Quebec ($1.5 billion in total to the Provinces) to turn this place more green. They call it an Eco-Trust and Clean Air Fund to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases. How many ways can you spell waste?
So how much will it cost to buy one of those reports grading our brave initiative in a few years? I don't see this going anywhere. It's like wearing card board boxes as armour to fight an enemy equipped with swords.
It was quite the scene to watch politicians announce the plan. There they stood knowing full well this is worthless but hey, gotta face the irrefutable facts and the all-natural David Suzuki. If I read or hear one more smart-alec boob make reference to Harper's anti-environmental stance I will cook an egg on their head. Whatever happened to Rick Mercer's Won-Ton Challenge?
I hope I'm wrong. Seriously.

Now, global warming is going to flood us all and we won't be able to produce hockey players with skill.
Forgive me if I've heard all this before. I'm not callous nor do I don't believe we need to do our part to be more environmentally friendly. However, the debate has become way too politicized. It makes for understanding the science behind what faces us all the more difficult.
I've also grown up since the 80s.
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