-Seriously, since no one seems prepared to deal with it I will do so right here, right now. For all you young ladies out there seeking to find your identity; to leave a unique imprint on life there are many ways to achieve success while maintaining your dignity. Stripping to pay your way through school is not one of them. Cherishing Madonna as a role model is not one of them. Lindsay Lohan (whoever she is. I think she's an actress), Paris Hilton (and insert anyone else here that fits this mold) are skanks. Britney Spears was a figment of our imagination. Ashlee Simpson is...aw forget it.
They are not role models. Don't emulate them. Follow your own decent path. Your parents and your true friends are your path. It's a shame to watch girls acting in a way that can only damage their lives. It's simply not cool. Be wise. There I said it. SAVE THE FAMILY STRUCTURE.

What a travesty of folly; a waste of time, money, energy and talent. How many of these frightening films will Hollywood and its freakish cliques pimp out? They are artistic whores of the worst kind whenever they have the audacity to produce such nonsense. It's not just Norbit. It's a host of "comedies" like it. The genre has been done. Are they that deprived of ideas?
Eddie Murphy used to be funny. He is among the greatest of all comedians; arguably the greatest SNL star. Now, thanks to his latest escapade, he's just another stiff.
Some people should be held to a higher standard and Eddie Murphy is one of them.
-Soccer is going through a hard time these days. We all know about Italy but they are not alone. Germany, Holland and Belgium continue to have trouble. France also faces fan disturbances as we saw in the Champions League between Lille and Manchester United. Fans feel justified to lash out for every perceived injustice.

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