
Immigration is the new buzz word in the U.S.

"...The group says it plans similar exercises along the border in California, New Mexico and Texas, and along the Canadian border in Washington, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York state..."

The Group being 'The Minutemen.' Are they really?

The 12 million Mexican illegal immigrants working in the United States actually do provide an economic service to both countries. They - being legislators- should hammer out a special and enlightened deal to reflect the reality that Mexicans want to come and work (and possible live) in the U.S. That said, I don't agree that Americans -their hosts - should be made to feel guilty so as to allow illegals to bypass existing laws. It was interesting to note some Mexicans marching were carrying Mexican flags.

As for the Vermont border - hilarious. I go through New York and Vermont often. Don't know who they're going to protect Americans from up here. Vermont/New York/Quebec/Ontario relations are as solid and friendly as it can be. Yup, those Quebecers are running rampant.

I thought militant Arab terrorists were the problem.


  1. As I'm sure you know, the US has even refrained from making english an official language.

    What bothers me most about these "minutemen" is the subtext that a militia may exist outside of the US military - an extreme interpretation of the 2nd amendment, if you ask me.

  2. I was going to say 'talk about misappropriation' and you came in with this. Good enough!


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