
Elect Clowns, Expect A Clown Show

For those who have been watching the proceedings in Parliament and committees (especially the STDC scandal) over the last couple of weeks, what you've witnessed is what happens when a government loses the moral authority to govern.

It has lost all sense of its purpose spending its energy ramming through ill-thoughtout bills without much public input and consultations while trying to defend itself against an endless stream of allegations of corruption.

The antics of Liberals in committees is nothing short of astonishing and embarrassing. Here's Erskine-Smoth making an ass of himself in committee.  Poor guy. His "integrity" was questioned. So he proceeds to act with no dignity or integrity. This is not the first time we've been treated to spontaneous acts of vulgarity from Liberal MPs. Van Koeverden and Virani immediately come to mind. A Liberal supporting  civil servant named Dwivedi went on a filthy vulgar rant not so long ago. Again. Who sets the tone for this? Trudeau isn't exactly known for his calm composure. Elbowgate was a good example.

Grace under pressure ain't their strong suit let's just say.

For those not interested, seek out the committees into the STDC scandals. The shameless and infantile tactics of delay and obfuscation by people like Drouin and Khalid made a mockery of the whole thing. 

The tone of this childish behaviour comes from the top and what we have now is an aimless bare-boned Parliament slinging mud in the House of Commons. It's full out chaos.

The Opposition is doing its job. Holding the government to account. But this government is refusing to be transparent and deal with the scandals they've created. 

Canada is in a desperate need of a change of government. The longer this farce goes on, the longer the colony suffers. 

Enough already. 

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