
Switzerland: Anti-Progressive Paradise?

Progressives just love pointing to Scandinavian countries as proof of a social democracy (ie socialist) successfully at work.

I'm not really sure why. Those places are not exactly bastions of liberty and innovation.  I think there's just as much socialism in the UK, Germany, France and Italy - with the last two often ranked in the top two or three when it comes to health care services.

One major difference, those four countries are, on average, eight to 15 times the size of the Vikinoids.

I noticed, however, they rarely point out Switzerland. Wonder why. I mean, it ostensibly possesses all the characteristics progressives love - controlling government, coercive legislation, humane wages, environmentally friendly etc. to the benefit of all.

Maybe it's because, to pick some selective examples, Switzerland has some key characteristics the left loathes. One, is its banking system which until recently protected the secrecy of all depositors. The evil (and I mean this in every sense of the word for all tax collecting agencies who bully citizens) power of the IRS has managed to "force open" Swiss bank accounts. Two, Switzerland has a quaint notion that it must ask the people for more taxes through a referendum. The people decide - not bureaucrats (high cost of living which some contend is artificial is duly noted). This forces its government to spend wisely. And three, the Swiss are armed.

So these factors don't fit the prog narrative of what constitutes a civil society. No one is killing each other the streets with their guns and the end of times is not coming because of its approach to taxation. Switzerland is an advanced country but since it does it in a different manner, it may as well be a pariah.

In many ways, the Swiss are more free (or at least have a bigger voice in politics are certain issues) than Americans (and we Canadians).


Speaking of bank privacy in Switzerland, that's all but gone now thanks to the evil IRS.

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