
Daycare Update

I've been asked many times how things are "going?" with the daycare.

Swell, I suppose. All things considered. Not where I want to be in terms of "comfort" but hey...

Despite a decent amount of kids (I'm at 55% capacity in eight months.I expected to be around 70% by now...but hey...), I've been experiencing the hardship of paying down overhang debt.

In these days where blame is squarely placed on "banksters" for economic ills, let us spare a moment on how the state can wreak havoc on the economy.

See, I can trace back a lot of the avoidable problem to the government. See here again, we "costed" the renovations based on using, well, workers. It was work a monkey and his brother with a DEC could have accomplished.

But in the eyes of the government they weren't "qualified' because they didn't carry around "union" sanctioned (scam) cards. Threatened with fines and revocation of the contractor's license, we had no choice but to go on the "table." The inspector (who always remind us of 1917 Russia and/or Little Italy circa 1910 when the dons ruled the streets), made it clear he'd be on site everyday since he lived up the street.

Which, see, means "assume the position."

Toute pour la "societe."

So. Costs went up almost double. I've been catching up ever since.

Oh, what happened to the people thrown off the job? They were out of work, went on unemployment. The usual insanity when the state sticks its fingers where it shouldn't. It's better, I reckon, for them to keep up the nonsense and put people on the welfare line instead of just earning a living.

I mean, new immigrants just want to work. So let them break down walls. They're only going to form the base of our middle-class.

In my case, the government hits me more directly than "corporatists" do.

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