

A latest poll conducted has Americans seeing Obama less competent than Bush and Clinton.

Even with the media on his side, Obama can't make it work in his favor. This weird Bergdahl thing ain't helping either. It's at the point the 'I' has been mentioned. Which, if I'm Republican, I wouldn't touch because it would play right into his victim-hood and the media's racist narratives. Tell you what, if all the reports about Bergdahl are true, then the President acted, well, 'stupidly.' Like the Cambridge police.

But you gotta love Obama supporters in threads. "But Bush! Fox poll no good! Racists!" and all that. All that will be left are the ones who would be willing to swallow cyanide for him.

In any event, Rasmussen has him hovering around 50% approval rate.

So, who knows?

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