
42 German Quotes About American Army After WWI

From Mental Floss:

. “I fought in campaigns against the Russian Army, the Serbian Army, the Roumanian Army, the British Army, the French Army, and the American Army. All told in this war I have participated in more than 80 battles. I have found your American Army the most honorable of all our enemies. You have also been the bravest of our enemies and in fact the only ones who have attacked us seriously in this year’s battles. I therefore honor you, and, now that the war is over, I stand ready, for my part, to accept you as a friend.”
—Chief of Staff for General v. Einem, commander of the Third German Army

"The prevailing opinion in Germany before our entry into war, was, that American was a money hunting nation, too engrossed in the hunt of the dollar to produce a strong military force. But since our troops have been in action the opinion has changed, and he says that though Germany is at present a defeated nation, he believes that they would be victors in a war with any nation in the world with the exemption of the United States.”
—Karl Finkl of Bolingen

Notice this one fits nicely with the contemporary progressive narrative about American "greed." Heck, just scroll down and read that shit about New York's City Council on Wal-Mart's charitable donations. Tell you what, if America does ever fall, it won't be because of Wal-Mart. It'll be because of stuff like this.

All cut from the same shitty cloth.

We were informed that your men were inclined to be rough, and the impression was left with us that we had a very serious time before us…but today, after living 24 hours with them, we have no longer andy apprehension. They are wonderfully mild mannered men and a great contrast to the domineering attitude of our own soldiers. Your troops, not even one, have spoken a single disagreeable word to anyone, and when we offered them wood for cooking and heating purposes they accepted with what seemed to be a certain shyness.”
—Statement of the Mayor of Kaschenbacm

Bolshevism is slowly spreading all over the world. I spoke to a Frenchman a few days ago, who stated that the working men in France demand 25 francs per day. I am glad and thankful we are having American troops occupying our town, otherwise we would have the same trouble as many of the larger cities.”
—Translation of a letter from Coblenz

Try and tell Obama and the city of Seattle this. Thick-headed, misguided, dunces.

"The American troops show much more consideration for the private rights of the inhabitants of the village than did the German troops."
—Karl Schramem, Landstrumer of Zermullen

Mostly because socialist tendencies hadn't begun to warp the American mind at that point.

The people here hate the French more than they do the British. They much prefer the Americans as troops of occupation. Since the Americans have arrived the German people have learned to like them.”
—Karl Felder of Bieder Breisig

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