
This Is My Shocked Face

Canada lacks data on hospital wait times.

No, this is just something I've been mentioning since I started this blog. Until our blinders come off, we'll never improve the health system. It's asinine that we have ONE think-tank (that I'm aware of) dedicated to keeping tabs on the performance of the health system.

"One of the biggest challenges standing in the way of reduced waiting times and more efficient, co-ordinated care in Canada’s health-care system is a lack of transparency when it comes to waits for many procedures and surgeries, according to a national report card.

No province has established benchmarks for waiting times for pain management or psychiatry, says the report released Tuesday, and many provinces have no waiting-time data for a variety of treatments and procedures, including cardiac rehabilitation, scheduled whole-body bone scans and skin cancer treatment."

Such quality and mature leadership, huh? 

Transparency? Sure you jest, T..C! We're not American! Isn't that enough for you?

There's a lack of transparency because Canadians are not demanding it. 

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