
Limit Profits!

In response to the Houston Astros signing  Jon Singleton to a 5 year 10 $million. (Sorry I forgot where I saw this. I copy paste so many I sometimes neglect to also add a link) :

"On top of that, if the worst team in all of Major League Baseball can afford to throw $10,000,000.oo at an 8th Round Draft Choice, floundering in the minor leagues for 5 years, currently batting .267...I'd prefer the players' salaries no longer be released to the public. It's offensive. Ten million dollars could feed, house, and clothe a thousand homeless......this for a man who speaks very well, but chews his gum with his mouth flapping open, looking like a Neanderthal with a bat in his hand. I'd prefer we feed the homeless children first, and wait to find out if Singleton can successfully compete at the Major League level. MLB is a government sanctioned Monopoly, same as the United States Post Office. As such, the Government should step in and limit the profits that can be made. As our National Pastime, it's incumbent upon the Federal & State Governments to return some of this extravagant booty to the community."

I told you so.

The part about needing to limit profits will be the next logical step for the economically illiterate.

It's not offensive at all when you remove yourself from your pathetically parochial and presumptuous perspectives laced with an ad hominen and start to consider the other side. Baseball players bring sales revenues to teams. Remember this. Moreover, mo one gives a shit 'where you'd prefer it go.' I'd prefer it to go the moon for all I care. What's he saying anyway? Divert MLB cash to feed the homeless?

I used to hear this all the time when people used to debate the Federal budget. They say something like "we don't need the military, I'd rather put it in health." In fact, they'd want to put all the money in health and education and neglect everything else they deemed unimportant - like the military.

Now, we're paying the price for having gutting our military. Last on spending in NATO. Translation: We don't pull our weight. Only Iceland spends less. And they don't even have one.

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