
Lebron Hate Continues

Let's leave aside ESPN's annoyingly aggravating penchant for posting Lebron tweets about everything from basketball to life and the universe for a second and talk about the criticism of Lebron being a weak player who can't play through pain.

Last night Lebron limped off in pain during a critical point of the game between the Heat and Spurs. Later, it was revealed he cramped up. If there was any doubt the Heat immediately go from a great to okay team without James, this should have ended it. Boy did they look pedestrian and the Spurs took full advantage on their way to a 107-95 win in game one of the NBA finals capped by a 4th quarter 31-9 run.

People who are giving James grief claiming he could have played through it obviously never played sports. Ever.

Anyone who has suffered a cramp (I have in soccer) knows you can't play through it. Imagine the part of the body affected becoming a piece of wood incapable of flexibility. Few athletes get off the field, ice or court unless they're told to by the coach or they've suffered a real injury in championship scenarios. In this case, it's asinine to question James.

With that, the Heat just better hope he heals fast because the Spurs are itching to avenge the loss from a year ago.

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