
Worse Than Bush

From SE.

Sycophants, infantile idolatry, and shameless followers without a shred of curiosity of what this President has accomplished in the theater of war. The reason hypocrisy is rampant in their camp is because they were the most vociferous voices during the Bush era. Now. Silence befalls them.

They never gave a shit about peace or innocent lives turns out. They cared only for their views defined by narrow ideological ideals. Alas, they have no ideals. A major criticism of Bush was that he acted unilaterally (not exactly true given he did get support from 36 countries) in Iraq (despite having Congressional approval). Nonetheless, the people were valid in questioning the wisdom of going into Iraq (I was not one of them admittedly). As Greenwald points out in the video, Bush was also severely criticized for detaining citizens without due process.

Obama has unilaterally taken that a step further by secretly approving assassination program. Killing people without due process is NOT the same as detaining them - which was wrong in itself.

Shit, I'm all for going to kill those cockroaches but not like this. This is plain unconscionable. Some transformational figure. In this way, he's worse than Bush. Just like the economy is worse under Obama, his military actions are actually more egregious - if you can believe it - than Bush.

Jeremy Scahill of The Nation doesn't hold back calling its actions for what it is: Murder.

The mightiest nation in world history so admired by many, is acting like a tyrannical thug. The only difference is a man with a suave tongue - and joke of a Nobel peace prize -  is keeping people from admitting it.

What's he "fixing" exactly? All I see is the enhancement (spending, tax increases, military action etc.) of previous policies with ONE significant piece of legislation - Obamacare - that the majority of Americans didn't even want.

He's Bush 2.0.

Which begs the question, if the arguments above are accepted: If Bush was the "worst" President in history, what is Obama?

Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States. Meet the new boss...same as the old boss.

Small little tidbit, great as he was, MLK was also, apparently, an adulterer. He was HUMAN. So let's not make him a Saint either. That being said, decency? This is a President who without shame, used kids as props to push gun control. As for Romney being a "catastrophe" that's just projection. And one I reject. We don't know so why insert it to strengthen your argument? He governed Massachusetts. Was that a "catastrophe?" Would he truly have been worse than the guy in power now? I'm not so sure.

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