
What's The Difference Between Murder By The Government And From Subjects?

A government has the ability and capacity to kill not just by the hundreds or thousands (most recently in Syria) but millions.

It is interesting that when, say, 10 people are killed by a lunatic, advocates for gun control go into overdrive. Add up all the shooting sprees in history in North America and Europe and the number pales in comparison. It's not to demean those inexplicable atrocities but rather to add some perspective.

But, as this video contends, when the government kills millions upon millions upon millions of people (its own citizens) not a peep.

Why is it ok for the state to have guns but not people?

Proportionally speaking, it's irrational.

Man, if there's any entity gun-control should be aimed at it's any government.

Vid from SE:

Meh. Better video than the one those silly actors put up. Enough for real.

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