
My Own Private Anarchy

When I took a Russian history class (yes, it was that dreary) back in University, the professor who was of Russian of Greek origin and educated at Columbia University, said in reaction to fist fights in the streets he saw in Toronto in the Greek community concerning one Alexander the Great. Back in school the Greek student association had stickers proclaiming "Macedonia is Greece, Greece is Macedonia." By that logic, that Alexander was from Macedonia meant he was from Greece.

It was all so technical and parochial.

The good professor argued that it was a stupid debate. Alexander, thanks to the passage of time, doesn't belong to Greece or anyone else. He belonged to the world now.

Public domain for historical figures. I like that.

Italians face a similar issue - albeit less passionate - when it comes to Christopher Columbus. I believe over 20 countries claim him but I-talians ain't fighting in the streets over him. I'm certainly not. Not because I don't think he merits it, but rather because it's pointless. Besides, with the evidence we have, I think it's pragmatic to conclude he's from Genoa. So. Moot.

As an aside, the professor also spoke of Italian art as "opulent" painting it with one broad brush. Excuse the pun. I found that a curious statement then and still do now given the number of different artistic movements, periods, events and styles that came from Italy. Some were more opulent than others indeed, but as a whole, I don't see how anyone can make such a generalization. Shoot, the art-nouveau-deco movement in Italy in the 20th century dictated that function triumphed over form hardly resulting in "opulent" works.

I digress.

I apply his position about Alexander to Quebec.

Whenever I hear PQ nationalists assert Montreal is a French city, I reject it. It's not. It's a multi-lingual, multi-cultural city that left to its own devices would and could be the Beirut of North America.

Instead, it's burdened by petty linguistic nonsense. Whenever I see the OLF attack and harass, I can but spit in their faces figuratively - as many do I am sure and know. My own private anarchy helps to keep me sane.

Montreal doesn't belong to the PQ anymore it does the Natives or minorities.

Montreal belongs to its citizens; its people.

Politically, the city doesn't side with the PQ - thankfully.

It should project itself proudly on this point.

Montreal belongs to the world.

Let the PQ wallow in the hinterland intellectually. It's their funeral.

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