
What The PQ Looks Behind Their Backs

"Ah, PQ, never ever change. You're like the worst parts of the US, but with your own special Quebecois flair."

 You're welcome...I think.

There is a sad hue of intolerance here whenever the banjo playing, knee slapping PQ get their anti-liberty asses in power. It's just that it's gone mainstream. And that's the ugliest part of it.

I'm told they're a dying breed and this may be true and good for Quebec in the long-run, but for now, they're busting balls.


  1. Would anglophones still be allowed to vote?

  2. The belief is that if Quebec separated, it would go unhinged against minorities. I subsrcibe to this notion as it's not a great leap to make if we observe what they're doing at the moment. So, yes, if they truly had their way, they'd kick us "ethnics" out - but perish the thought of publicly saying this!

    They're political miscreants. I would not shake their hands on neutral grounds.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.