

Eveyone's a monster and racist with the left.

Rand Paul is taking heat for asking some pretty basic and valid questions first to the utterly incompetent Hilary Clinton and now to the person expected to replace her, John Kerry. Man, the Democrats just love recycling mediocre talent.

Clinton failed to answer the question and so did Kerry.

"...Above is a great conversation between Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and the failed 2004 presidential candidate, who got his start in public life by (rightly) denouncing the Vietnam War in which he had served. Among the basic questions that Paul asks of Kerry: If the U.S. was wrong to bomb Cambodia without congressional authorization (and it was), then why was it A-OK for Obama to join in bombing runs over Libya?

Another excellent question raised by Paul: Why are we sending big fancy fighter jets to Egypt even as the leader of that country is going full Capt. Queeg, with a fixation on the Jews standing in for obsession about stolen strawberries?"

Rand asks TWO incredibly important questions that get at the heart of an incoherent American foreign policy. TWO questions certain to outrage the left. TWO questions that get right at the heart of Democratic hypocrisy. If Bush's legacy is tied to Iraq and lies (despite Congressional approval), how is it any different with Obama who chose, like a King, to bypass Congress? Isn't this a threat to the integrity of the Constitution?

/That old rag?

Why is it, Kerry? Right. "Fuck you, because we say so." Got it.

Predictably, rather than further the question, the media is going off erecting all sorts of strawman. Apparently, Rand is "riling up the base." As if Obama doesn't "rile his base up" with all sorts class warfare junk. But isn't that what most politicians do anyway?

Liberal: "You monster! You racist, awful, awful, undignified man! That's Hilary. The most popular political figure in America! Show some respect! John Kerry is a man of utmost credentials. A modern St.  Francis of Assisi! Why do you lack so much humanity? You reptilian asshole! Imagine asking such questions! We workd three jobs (sniff, sniff), I have to face those people when the coffins arise. I am an American patriot....These attacks..."

Paul: Fine. Fine. But you can you answer the question please?"

Keep hammering Rand. Keep hammering the bums.


Nice conversation in the libertarian section of the WSJ. When arguing with liberals, it becomes painfully clear the libertarians are not the extremists. To me, it's rather basic, common sense thinking.


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