
Fearless Prediction

Now that the irrational issue of "assault rifles" is settled (which basically are just rifles; not fully automatics like in the military) the roads has been semi-paved for the next waved of control: Pistols. Guns. Revolvers. Rifles.

After all, by then, people will ask "who needs that dinky revolver?" And don't tell me that won't happen because it will. You have people looking to get rid of the Constitution and getting space in the NYT to express that view. No major leaps of logic there.

I'd like to think that they've pushed it as far as they can but I'm skeptical.

Predicting policy action is not that hard.

1 comment:

  1. Someone, some crazy bent on eventual suicide after making a big and bloody splash, will take a few revolvers and shoot a bunch of people and then himself. And your prediction will come true.


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