
Question; Europe's Anarchy, Quebec Goes Assisted Suicide

It doesn't take much to be called an "extremist" or "Nazi" these days it seems.

On that theme, how is it that discussing about taxes is an "extremist" position, but feminism is not? How is arguing against excessive spending or expanding government is extreme but not, say, gay marriage?

Do they not all delineate into some area of "extreme" assuming our point of reference is "moderate" whatever that means anymore?

They say the GOP has been hijacked by extremists but so too, it can be argued, have the Democrats. Some argue that the right-ward pull of the GOP has forced the Democrats to go right. However, the DNC seemed to convey more of a leftist message to me.


What about taxes? Been reading on various liberal websties people freaking out their pay cheques are less now thanks to, wait for it, increasing taxes.

President Obama made two promises that have turned into lies. One, was spending. He's hasn't cut it and he won't. Two, no higher taxes (including capital gains) for everyone making less than the arbitrary (and magical unicorn figure) 250k a year. Taxes have gone up for all. Proportionally, I don't know who's taking a hit more but they've gone up. Just google taxes-Obama-2008 and you'll see. It's plain for all to see and 3) he wouldn't touch gun control Of course, Sandy Hook changed all that.

Hey, that's three!

Anyway. Bush was a liar about Iraq. He is forever banished to the Inferno. And Obama?

As for the taxes, if kids are reading stop because it's gonna get vulgar. If you don't like swearing move on:

You stupid, dumfuck idiots. What the fuck did you expect? You have a President that has expanded the social safety net and took over 1/6th of the economy and you expected 1% of the population to pay for it? You have, from what I read, a serious unfunded liability issue in social security, pensions and the like, and you didn't think taxes were going to go up? You actually thought this administration had a "neutral" mathematical formula to give you a cake to eat as well? Damn moronic unicorns.
You deserve what you vote for.

Where was I?


Was talking to a gentleman from France about the march against Hollande's decision to ram through gay marriage in France. Hundreds of thousands marched in Paris and according to the gentleman it was less homophobic (the French, despite their short comings, maintain a civil discourse unlike us here), and more to do with traditionalism. In Europe, holding traditional values is not a bad thing.

Combine the Catholicism of the French (I thought the French were the most secular and existentialist of all the Catholic nations...meh) and the fact that 15% of the population is Muslim (he himself is Jewish), it's inevitable gay marriage will be met with some resistance.

Ramming things down the throats of so many is not healthy either he argued.


I mentioned in another post that Europe is in a state of anarchy. France is a mess. Germany is struggling to maintain itself while juggling the reality it is the engine of Europe, Italy is confused and the English have gone PC-mad.

In Greece, violence is personal. Thugs and gangs roam the streets. It's a bad situation. The Neo-Nazis got 500 000 votes and are the third party there. What's 500 000? In a county of 10 million, that's massive. I was told the elderly voted for the Nazi's because apparently they offer protection against violent immigrants like the Albanians.

There's more to Greece than Aristotle and souvlaki. And it ain't good.

One need only watch its sports across the continent- soccer in particular. Racism is on the rise. Nationalism is on the rise. Neo-Nazi groups often merge with soccer fanatics. The scenes in Serbia, Russia, Belgium, Germany, and even England, France, Spain and Italy are ugly.

The crap you see there you simply do not see here. Scenes of officials and FIFA pleading for racial tolerance are completely absent here.

So Piers Morgan can shove his pompously misleading "do you know how many people were killed in Britain by guns?' argument and shove it up his ass and let it ooze out as liquidity and painful as possible. England is further along the Mad Max dystopia than the Americans are.

Things are far, far worse over there - and has been for some time.

America or Canada need not copy.


Finally, the PQ are set to allow doctor-assisted suicide with euthanasia in Quebec. Need not worry there will be "strict rules" governing it. For example, people won't be forced to take an injection like in Europe (where there have been cases in Holland and Belgium).

Yes, this coming from the one party that wrecked public health (and education) more than anyone else. I wonder if dying with dignity (whatever that means) will have to be in French only. I can just see Marois now: There is too much Hen-glish in the 'Ospitals...Hostie!

Let's call it for what it is "murder by other means" and move on, ok?

If they want it, let 'em have it. Patients are a cost to the state anyway. That's why you always see some lobbying against certain habits - it's less about YOU and more what YOU cost the system. 

They could care less about the care. Care costs money. Money we ain'ts gots.

Palliative care is basically over-stretched, under funded - heck under-everything - in this province.

IF we TRULY were a caring and compassionate society, we'd shift our attitudes towards a more patient-centric system (like in the U.S.) away from the cost-centric, and we'd focus on long-term care and facilities.

But sticking a needle in someone under rational pretenses is easier - and cheaper.

Good Lord, we passionately fight against the death penalty but not for the sick?

1 comment:

  1. I am fascinated by the French sending troops to Mali to fight the Islamists. And now thye EU is going to back them by sending troops on a "training mission" to teach the Mali Army troops to fight insurgents. Of course, the French are best suited for this... look at their record in Southeast Asia.


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