
A Star Is Born And Nurtured

My daughter's first kindergarten report is in.

Drum roll.

A little cymbal action.

Aaannnd, the gong.

Listen to the wind chime.

She's a star apparently. Advanced in reading. Knows how to spell. Is a natural leader. Blah, blah. So my wife was told.The first thing the teacher and assistant said was how much they loved her. Then again, we knew all this since, well, we actually sit and teach her stuff. Hard to believe given, well, who the father is.

I wasn't present since I was with her while she fought a fever-cold.

Too bad. I really wanted to come here and talk smack about my kid being an idiot. Oh, well.

She's nothing like her paw.

Months ago my mother showed my wife my kindergarten report card. My wife, a star academic in her day, looked at me as if I stabbed a gold fish with a toothpick.

If I were to describe the report I would liken it to a picture that's out of focus.

Shouldn't be too hard for you to envision given the content of this blog.


  1. You can't be all that bad, after all that "star" wife of yours would not have married you.
    Baden-Powell wrote that even the worst criminal has 5% good in him.

  2. She's rethinking that decision.


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