
Automobile Tax Hike In Montreal

A law only environmental-statists can love.

Since I don't live in Montreal proper (though my parents own property there), I should shut up and not comment.

The cold, hard truth is we can't fiscally keep up with the visions of politicians. Their answer to everything is to tax. Mayor Tremblay is the tax man. He's not alone.

Please let me amend a typical response from those who defend stuff like this: $50 a year won't kill you!

Ok. We'll shut up then.



  1. Wait a minute, Tremblay and, yes sir, Trent wish the tax to be extended to greater Montreal and that, man, includes Laval, North and South Shores.

  2. Arggghh!

    Oh, well. As our friend Bret asserts. We shouldn't whine and just accept it.


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