
True Liberalism And Bastiat

I don't know if I ever mentioned Frederic Bastiat on this blog. If I didn't, it's a gross over sight on my part. As if my puerile ruminations should be so valuable! Oh, forgive me ye gods!

To me, men like Law, Bastiat, Hayek, Vico, Galliani etc. simply resonate.

I listen to Krugman and it's like, wha?



How did I come to be what I am today? That is, an utter mess?

Years ago, maybe 20 years ago, I was listening to a French radio program. I forget what the topic was but I do remember the words of one caller that left an impact on me.

He said, "le gouvernement devraient."

The government should - hope my spelling is accurate.

The government should.

Repeat it.

The government should.

It made me realize, we depend way too much on the government. As I've said in the past, it's not the government should, but "I" should."

From that point forward I had little patience with any argument that argued state was the starting point to solving a societal problem.


  1. I've posted a couple of things about Bastiat on my blog and I link to an online edition to "The Law."

  2. I'll check it out.

    Yes, not that you mention it, I've read couple of your posts about Bastiat.

  3. Here is the link. Well worth the read.


  4. Yeah, I scanned over it on your blog. Will give it a full read in the next few weeks. Thanks.


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