

One suggestion I keep hearing markerters make is that bloggers should put pictures of themselves up on a blog to add credibility.

I say, if you want to all the power to ye.

But for me, I ain't putting my mug out there unless someone is paying me a salary to be exposed.

Besides, I can't do that to my wife. The women would swoon. Can't have that.


  1. Same here, T.C. I'm too good looking to risk driving the females who read SE crazy. I don't know how my girlfriend would feel about all the inevitable marriage proposals that I would receive, either. She gets a little worried and jealous now just when I go to a company event without her.

    Nope, I ain't gonna be responsible for that kind of chaos.

    Note: Some may think I'm merely joking about my handsome visage, but I assure you, I've broken many, many hearts without even realizing it. Just my presence in the workplace has caused female co-workers to practically throw themselves at me.

  2. Forget the marketing, you economy obsessed people. It's simply that readers love to see the picture of a man or a woman they have been talking to since years.

    I though understand the chaos, as Nikki J called it, of having all the girls swoon.

  3. "Economy obsessed." Heh.

  4. I am only partly kidding. Sometimes Europeans have the impression North Americans are obsessed by money. Many left their paesi d'origine to land in the New World, make big money and come back. But when they had children who felt American … many stayed.

    Which doesn't mean that to me North American culture is 'just making money'. No, no, it is only a component, though a shining one.

  5. I'm deeply moved by Nikk and T.C.'s show of humility.


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