
GOP Breaks Midterm Record

63 House seats gained by the GOP is a record for American politics. Its six senate seat gains were moderate but still nothing to sneer at. The numbers and votes haven't be finalized.

Nonetheless, it was a rout.

What it'll mean for President Obama is yet to be determined.

I suspect Obama is a one-term president. However, the result may in fact help the him. If he's perceived to be kept in check, he'll come off less as a guy pushing a leftist agenda and one who works more in line, rightly or wrongly, with "centrists,"and this may be enough to recapture moderate/independent voters.

This perception may get him elected for a second time. Or, it can really be the first step in turfing the Democrats in 2012.

So much for their "40 year" reign. I think they got ahead of themselves with the Obama Express.

Goo-goo, gaa-gaa as it were.

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