
Liberty For All

Conservatives are thought to be thinkers who not only respect traditions but history as well. I've heard it be claimed among modern conservatives that they're on the "right side of history" while liberals claim to be on the "right side of science." You know where I stand with the latter.

However, I agree with the author that the reputable conservative Hillsdale College is on the "wrong side of history" when it comes to its new policies on gays.


My buddy worked at Air Canada while his father spent a lifetime there. Another friend works on the engineering side. The mentality and work ethic of the workers were shabby to say the least in his opinion. He had to work them into shape. From the stories I hear, I have no idea how it even functions.

The company sounds like it was never able to fully emerge from being a bad crown corporation to a free-standing company. It's been stuck somewhere in between falling back on what amounts to old-statist reflexes.


  1. It's a little insulting when the best someone can come up with in defence of homosexuality is that people should be allowed to choose immorality...

    *face palm*

    Morality should be imposed on people. You can't let people murder, steal, rape, or do other immoral activities simply because you need to respect others as individuals. The issue is that homosexuality has nothing to do with morality. Homosexuality is no more immoral than eating bacon or shellfish, which are "abominations" according to literal and fundamentalist views of the Bible.

  2. Did he argue that? I musta missed it.

    I think overall we're in agreement with the basic tenet.

  3. This dude is starting to annoy me.

    And to make it even weirder a link to a Depeche Mode video?

  4. Anonymous11/02/2010

    tc you are an idiot!

  5. Well, at least I know it's not a spambot.

  6. It's DM, the Canadian psycho.

    One particular quote from the article that irked me:

    "Moral behavior requires free human choice; enforced morality is no morality at all."

  7. I don't even know if he's Canadian.

    What specifically irks you about the quote?


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.