
Socialism Doesn't Work - Duh


As any good, sound mind will tell you, it rests on coercion. Whereas the enlightened side, as eloquently and brilliantly described during the Age of Reason, rests upon SELF-OWNERSHIP.

That's why.

That which cannot stand on its own is not feasible. No? Socialism or its theorists have no direct link or lineage to the Age of Enlightenment or before it Renaissance Humanism for each had a starting point socialists reject: God's authority and man as his own free moral agent.

Dan Hannan fights the good fight against dark minds and thoughts. Trying to knock sense into the moss that has set on contemporary minds about moronic notions of socialism is a thankless job but someone has to do it.

I concur that Nazism flowed from socialism and it was seen as such in the day. How it became connected to "conservative" is a strange bit of historical revisionism I reckon and is pretty much unsubstantiated. The base root of Nazism (and Fascism for that matter given Mussolini's socialist background) is socialism. This may anger modern progressives but shouting it ain't so doesn't remove this fact of history.

Notice the lady who rambles on and on and on with no point or the man in the red tie seemingly smugly scoffing at the speaker or the woman with crossed arms with her head down sitting next to him eventually laughing like a couple of bankrupted, petty, buffoons.

It's akin to rolling your eyes at someone.

This is their lousy shtick and I saw plenty of it in university.

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