
Quote Of The Day


You get what you deserve.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) says she’s getting ready to propose a federal soda tax, “I am working on legislation right now to tax sugar-sweetened drinks, like sodas, in a way that reflects the serious damage they are doing to our health.”

In a way that reflects? Too funny. How would that be exactly? I mean, besides, you know, the obvious idiotic response to taxing things? 

But wait. It gets better. 

"When a two-liter cola is 99 cents and blueberries are over three dollars, something has gone very wrong," DeLauro says.

I well. I mean, erm. Well, I just can't. Never mind.

Berries in general, and cherries, are always expensive.


These people are elected and get to make policies?


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