
Marois: Je Ne Regrette Rien

Pauline Marois took to the stage one last time to, I don't know, say shit and stuff. I was kinda hoping she'd go unhinged and lace into minorities and the English-speaking communities for fucking shit up; for not laying in deference to the nationalist pipe dream.

A couple of things she spewed caught my attention. One was her yapping on about it's good to live in a place with ideals (of course, except when the Americans do it for far, FAR, grander and meaningful reasons, like you know, fighting for liberty in the face of tyranny which is the re-occurring theme in world history. Then, it's 'les Americains sont fou" or "des hombristes"). Those ideals, needless to say, is wrapping oneself up in the Quebec flag dreaming up deranged Charters while claiming to be "secularists."

The funny thing is theirs was less the secularism of the Age of Reason whence it was spawned and more a commie-secularism where religion must be smacked around and if civil liberties be trampled along the way, so be it.

I hold Quebec intellectualism is such little regard.

The other thing she said was "I regret nothing."

That is a person incapable of evolving. In my view, she has plenty to be embarrassed about. She put Quebec on international map for all the wrong reasons. Have Quebecers read what was written about us during the Charter, Bill 14, Pastagate and her comments about borders in the event of separation?


Who cares?

She's gone and good effen riddance. Don't let the door swing back on your ass.

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