
Bergdahl Swap Mystifies Everyone With A Functioning Brain

I notice both the liberal and conservative and even the libertarian communities are reacting in the same way about the Bergdahl swap. And it's not good.

Obama has pulled off the impossible - united the country!

The Democrats, above all, when it comes to being challenged have called the people liars (re Obamacare) and now soldiers who serve them who were upset about the fact Obama incredibly called him a 'war hero.'

That's the issue here. Not that they went to 'get their guy' (of which six soldiers died doing to save his sorry ass).

They knew he didn't serve with 'honor and distinction' as Susan Rise uttered. So why say it? Why flat out lie? It's the same mistake they repeated during Benghazi when they amateurishly blamed the attacks on an obscure video!

How arrogant is the White House?

This is possibly the weirdest most incompetent thing I've seen in my lifetime when it comes to American politics. They never seem to know anything. They seem to be unaware.


Good for Joe Scarborough (all around) for taking Eugene Robinson (The King of Derp) to task for alluding these "five Taliban have been out of the war for too long to matter." That is such an obscenely ignorant comment to make it baffles the mind. Do mobsters head for the local charity when they get out prison? It's without common sense and filled with naivete. Robinson really needs to get his head out of Obama's ass.

Wake up, buddy. You're looking like one of those useful idiots.

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