
Bad Moon Keeps Rising For Democrats

Recall that Obama's economic policies and Obamacare are 'deficit neutral.'

The CBO:

Fiscal Diagnosis Only Gets Tougher for Health Care Law.

Let's concede, for the sake of argument, that the Democrats had to push the law through because the Republicans were impossible to deal with.

By ramming it through in the middle of the night without their input or support was probably even more irresponsible and, dare I say, arrogant on their part.

You don't push a law that impacts ALL Americans by one party. 

Naturally, this won't stop them from blaming Fox, conservatives and the GOP anyway. Apparently, criticizing is what's putting it in peril. 


The Obama administration lied about the details. And they can try and pin blame elsewhere all they want but this is their baby. They own it. 

I think they call it blow back.

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