
Drive With Caution

I don't know more that can be done. I see a lot of jackasses on the road. I still see a lot of people texting as they drive oblivious to the fact they're operating what can easily turn into a deadly weapon and that they're cheating death.

Graphic images follow.


  1. Yes, of course drive with caution. Driving is one of the most dangerous things most of us will ever do, and most of us do it on a nearly daily basis.

    However, we really don't need more nanny state laws that tell us we can't do this and that in our cars. What's next, no eating that delicious burger that you just waited in the drive-thru for ten minutes to get your hot little hands on...come on, you're starving and can't resist, you know you can't, T.C., so go ahead, take one hand off the wheel and your eyes off the road for a second and grab that burger and take a bite!

    Oh, but as we're heading into cold and flu season, don't dare reach for that box of tissues to blow your nose while you're driving, you could cause an accident

  2. I would prefer if police just shot people who text while driving. Put their brains on the pavement where they belong without taking innocent people down with them.

  3. You know I lean your way, Nikk, when it comes to nanny laws. In my town there are excess stops that in my opinion do nothing but wear out breaks.

    And yeah, in theory, I guess they can legislate against blowing your nose in the car or change a CD. But I don't eat while I drive (because it's messy) and I don't text.

    Texting is far more dangerous since it commands people actually look down AND write out AS THEY DRIVE. It's like reading and driving at the same time - which I've seen often by the way.

    Thing is, I don't know if traffic signals do in fact prevent accidents. I wonder if there weren't any (depending where) if accident rates would increase, decrease or remain the same.

  4. Only the police get to shoot people to defend others, Bret?

    That's crazy talk! Just give every driver a gun, and when anyone sees someone eating a burger while driving, or reaching for that box of Kleenex, shoot 'em through the head!

  5. Yes, T.C. but they've already outlawed using your cellphone while driving in California to just talk, not text. And nationally there has been a proposal to ban all use of phones, even hands-free units, while driving.

    Don't foolishly beileve that once the state gets it's dirty fingers inside your car, that other things, like smoking, eating, and blowing your nose aren't next.

  6. They have a total ban on cell phone use in Quebec too.

    Give a pig a chair, he'll want the table.


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