
The Shame Of Francois Legault

Call me old fashioned and naive but part of me still clings to the ideal a leader should reflect the values of a society.  Of what we stand for collectively. 

Legault was asked to leave an exception for homeless people - many of whom suffer mental illness - for his illegal and idiotic curfews.

He refused.

It was then taken to court and he lost.

But he was non-plussed because he's a psychopath.

What goes through the mind of a man who declines a request predicated on compassion? Furthermore, what was he thinking that a homeless person could pay a fine? What could he possibly accomplish? Why didn't police chiefs step up and show some courage for once during this pandemic and draw a line of compassion? Sheriffs in the United States routinely defend the people and their rights. In Quebec, we've seen silence so far it seems.

It leaves me with much concern the lack of courage and compassion Legault possesses.

And Arruda is no better. A doctor is supposed to do no harm. He's done plenty of harm - as many like him in Canada - playing along with this farce.

Our punitive measures are disproportionate to the threat.

I can't speak for Quebecers, but I personally can't digest Francois Legault. 

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