
Meet Randall Lane: Sanctimonious Communist Retard; Big Tech IS Nineteen-Eighty Four

There's no need to even treat certain people with respect anymore.

There's a deep, sick malaise in the West right now. A blanket of faux-righteous indignation is slowly covering any concept of free speech and thought is taking place.

I read in horror at an appalling piece by one Randall Lane in Forbes.

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Do shit heads like this little cunt realize where all this leads?

Here. Ler me help out you coward: GULAGS. 

Maybe Lane should quit pretending to be a journalist and go read for whatever the business equivalent of Pravda is and become an activist. As for Forbes, maybe they should, you know, focus on doing their damn fucken jobs and report on business. 

I don't need twerps in fedoras going full Duranty on me with their poison.

Is he that blinded by his false virtue to believe this will result in any thing remotely constructive to the cause of working towards a just society?

It's actually the opposite that will take place.

This is not journalism. This is activism. In his Wiki bio (a place invested with SJW editor like him protecting their own kind) says he worked for The Daily Beast. There's a shock. And that he's one of the 922 most powerful people in America. Well, then, time to reset the country, eh if commies like this are that powerful. 

I have no idea what's going on anymore but I do know it's very bad.

We're in a place where Harvard - a defunct university as far as I can tell - wants to retroactively rescind degrees to former students who dare possess a different opinion: ie Conservative. 

Now one of the most recognizable publications for business had decided they will jump on the Leninist train wreck with appalling dreck like the one penned by Lane.

It truly is clown world.

And notice the comments. No shortage of weak, moronic fools it would appear follow this bozo. Misery loves company I suppose. 

Hey Lane. Les mots justes: Go fuck yourself.

And make sure you swallow Obama's load.


And for you thoughtless mutts and lemmings cheering this on.

You may *think* you have nothing to hide but they will eventually come for you. The game isn't to silence one side. It's to shut down all of it.

You're just tagged for death later.


Everyone is so blinded by their false righteousness they're failing to see what's going on.

These are the people who would turn on Anne Frank. 

The Gulag Archipelago should be required reading everywhere. Won't happen but it should.

And what Big Tech is doing is worse than you can ever imagine.

Time to stop supporting the abusers. Quite Facebook. Do you really need that crap? Keep in touch with people? 90% of the people in your feed are useless to you. You can communicate like a human being with the rest. Twitter is even more useless. That's not communications. That's the equivalent of static distortion in your brain. Youtube. It was good while it lasted. Support other platforms like Bitchute, Vimeo and Rumble. 

Apple. I've been using Apple since 1986. Time to move on perhaps. 

You privacy and liberty DO MATTER. Anyone who mocks these notions should be viewed as an enemy with a blue cap. These people are hostile to you and the sanctity of liberty. Stay away from them. You don't need these punks in your life.

Start with unfriending Randall Lane. 


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