
Where Priorities Really Lie

Don't know if this is a pure photo but it's funny. It's been sent to me a few times in the last little while and decided to post it. I may have already but I can't remember.

Harper is classic. So Canadian.

Guess who the Latins are?

G-20 is code for "Great piece of ass - 20 ove 10." G-20.


  1. Forgetting whether I posted something before or not is becoming a problem for me, especially when it comes to images.

    I need help Commentator. Do you suggest I just say to hell with it and not worry about looking senile?

  2. If you're looking for Dr.Phil type help, I do a quick related search of a post I'm considering on my blog if something pulls up I don't post if it doesn't, I post.

    If I can't remember my own posts, the odds are someone won't either. So your fear of senility is a little like if a tree falls in a forest...

    Mind you, it has to make a sound since the animals that will be crushed under it must yelp in agony, no?

  3. Anonymous7/11/2010

    I now see the benefits of running for high office!


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.