
Questions And Thoughts: What Could A Libertarian President Do? No-Cash Economies Coming? Walking Off A Clift

With the Obama administration about to set its sights on internet control control, it looks like more and more the libertarian/new conservative/classical liberal view on liberty will be harder and harder to recover for citizens. Which leads me to ask, what could a libertarian president do once in power? What could he or she possibly do to curb or cure Leviathan? Will we be past the point of no return?


Another question: With government reluctant to cut expensive programs  they're going to reach a saturated point where they won't be able to tax people further. At which point, money will be needed to continue funding their spending sprees. Right now, some industries (like restaurants and construction) function with a cash component. It allows people wiggle room. Is it out of the realm of possibility the state will introduce a "no cash" economy where only "debit cards" will be used to track money to tax and access to funds in a bank accounts will be restricted?

Crazy? Remember the state already taxes tips from waiters.


Speaking of nuts in a harmless manner, saw Eleanor Clift on the McLaughlin Group today. She was in top liberal form. I'm not gonna rationalize or argue her absurd assertions but I will highlight them for you all to read - and laugh:

1) On financial reform: "It's a big country so we need a lot of regulations."

Er, right.

2) On Obama's falling approval rating: I paraphrase: "The economy comes before debt."

You keep believing that, hon.
3) On why the U.S is not Greece: "We can print money."

Holy inflation Bat-Man!
I thought liberals were big on the "history is deemed to repeat" axiom.

More financial reading here.

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