
Tyranny Of The Subjective Good Has Arrived

Did you know you're no longer free?

Did you notice what just happened?

Did you not notice the how strangely coordinated everything is?

Did you notice this is not a plague?

At every turn since this panic took off, governments have taken the opportunity to slowly erase civil rights while adding more and draconian restrictions as you slept in fear.

And the recipe for this was impossibly simple and timeless: Fear. No garlic necessary.

Just plain old scare the hell out of people and you have them. The Nazis knew this better than anyone.

A population cowering in irrational fear is prepared to give up agency thinking they're handing it over to elected officials when in fact it's going straight to the unelected medical technocrat.

The dream can easily turn into a nightmare.

Health passes and contact tracing where you will have to give your name everywhere you go is tyranny.

Not liberty. They will describe it as liberty but that's Orwellian manipulation. They will extort you. Give us your privacy or business dies. Granny will die. 

They will prey on your sense of decency, manipulate your emotions and exploit your naivety. 

They will beat you down - slowly but surely - until Stockholm Syndrome sets in.

For the public good.

Is it by design or a consequence of our utter stupidity? 

Does it matter?

They already gave a quiz and YOU FAILED through the masks. You still haven't woken up. You still haven't looked into whether they work. You just blindly accept. You believe. 

There is no evidence they work. Just when doubt begins to set in, the media makes sure to bring in one of they flunkies to set you straight. Wear the mask peon.

Have you no dignity? You don't need to be an 'expert' to make your own decisions based on your own research. You don't need Skippy the Epidemiologist or Dr. Needles to tell you masks are necessary. They're no more PPE experts than Homer Simpson is a nuclear scientist.

Get that through your thick fucken skulls.

The 'subjective' angle is key. As we see with the masks, if there's one way to get people to be obedient it's to couch propaganda with notions of 'doing good'. Ergo, the mask isn't to stop the virus silly. It's for you to protect others. If you can fool people this way on a simple, small scale, you'll be able to do so with any agenda. 'We're redoing life because the last one was bad. You don't want people to suffer right? So sign over your life. For the good'.

Start shifting how you view this virus because this ain't no plague. It's not a threat to you.

We have found our enemy.

And the enemy is us.

The call is coming from inside the house.


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