
Donald Trump Must Win The Election; The Real Dangerous People And Politicians Are Pushing A Pandemic Hysteria

The prevailing public perception is that Trump is the devil and a threat to America and the world order.

For three years it's been nothing but a steadfast pile of fake news and shocking misuse and abuse of the public trust through scandalous (and treasonous I submit) and false investigations and impeachment. 

We were told a pack of lies about Trump like we do about climate change and now this pandemic.


You heard me.

At the moment a bunch of hysterical drama queens are burning down our economies, psychologically terrorizing our populations, and abandoning all sense and science.

It's not Trump who is a threat.

It's the politicians of Western nations.

They're the ones taking us on a calamitous and ruinous world. 

This virus is not a plague. The more the data shows it's not the more intense the restrictions. 

We're over reacting and there's no end in sight. It keeps going and going. It's the misapplication of the precautionary principle gone haywire.

We have foolish and ignorant people in masks demanding others to fall into their superstitious behaviours going around snitching on people. It has happened at my workplace and quite frankly wish nothing but ill on such imbeciles. 

Imagine being so ignorant and uncurious as to not even grasp two basic examples that make them useful idiots. One, politicians aren't wearing the masks. They do so in front of the camera. This is how idiotic you are for buying into it. Politicians KNOW these things don't work. 

Which brings me to point two. They LIE to your face. Remember when people were so frightened they began to look for ways to protect themselves and that source of protection came from masks? And experts and politicians - including Fauci - at the time correctly pointed out they don't work? Some 180 degree turn, no? It's not like any major study actually over turned the body of evidence. Nope.

It was just declared so. 

That's how superstition works.

We believe ergo magically delicious.

This is where we're at. On one side, the forces of stupidity and darkness. That is, ignoramuses who continue pimp and believe these evil measures are necessary without a shred of evidence. Recall, we've NEVER attempted to throttle human activity like we have in history. WE'RE AN EXPERIMENT.

And the results are plain and obvious: A disaster.

YOU allowed for this. 

While a courageous silenced group of people attempting to knock us back into sanity based on SOUND SCIENCE, are being censored and ignored by media. This side (which includes Sweden) is roundly mocked and ostracized for being 'dangerous'.

It's not them the danger.

It's the clowns doing the pointing and laughing.

YOU'RE the danger to our well-being. They say they want to save every life but completely ignore the lives being killed DIRECTLY DUE to their actions. I don't understand what people aren't grasping here. For every life 'saved' for this virus with a 99.92% survival rate, it's costing us well over that. Perhaps in the area of 4 or 5 or more! How is this remotely rational or compassionate?

Here in Canada, Ford and Legault pose a greater threat than Donald Trump ever could. It ain't Trump pushing the madness. It's the media and the sheep.

The hate on Tump is beyond any level of reasonable thought. It allows for a faux-righteous indignation and hysteria that I think is in part tied into this Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is not normal to think you're normal in a mask. To hell with all these 'experts' who make this evil claims. 

These same people will defend their actions when all this madness passes saying, 'we didn't know! We were being cautious!' At which point, we MUST NOT let them off the hook. There was enough evidence to not be hysterical. They DEMANDED we over react to soothe their pathetic fears. 

Jobs must be lost and people should be jailed for this attack on civilization. 

May the all rot in hell.

This isn't a normal U.S. election. It quite literally is indeed a choice between sanity and insanity. Trump may be an off-colour, unlikable, uncouth man of action but he's the one holding the line of health civilization.

The dirtbags and nutjubs are on the other side. 


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