
Prediction; Scammers Moving Goal Posts

I've been saying since May we need to stop listening to public health officials. All they do is preach a precautionary principle without considering impacts. It is the job of politicians to do that but they clearly have not and shown themselves to be gutless authoritarians.

Now we need to start questioning epidemiologists who keep hammering at insidious lockdown measures.

Not only that, it's time to critically assess Dr. Tam.

Virologists are on TV telling how things need to be done that are having delirious effects on social and economic life. They have no training in psychology or economics so why are we even listening to their advice? Give us the science on viruses and back off. They have no better idea on how to handle or 'control' a virus than anyone else it has been revealed.

What's even more preposterous is the notion that we haven't done enough and 'need to act now.'

Are these people on drugs? All it's been for the last eight months is a series of pernicious measures that have done very little.

Yet they keep on with these crazy ideas. It's a nice luxury to have to not have to deal with the consequences of their assertions directly, eh?

Now it's the outright obsession of not overwhelming hospitals.

They never got overwhelmed. They were stretched for a period but from where I stand, North American hospitals did a good job at the peak of managing care. We never fell.

What makes officials think they will now? My prediction, simply based on the fact hospital stays will likely be shorter and the fact the IFR has dropped rather dramatically, is that we won't see them get overwhelmed. Here in Canada, it's looking like a low flu season. That's good.

That means the scammers ruling us will need to find another fear tactic peddled by their lackeys in the media.

What lie will politicians come up with to once again move goal posts next?

Stay tuned. Third waves are-a-coming. 

Non-sequitur relevant thoughts: 

99.92% survival rate.



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