
Just Connecting Dots

Bill Gates smirks that s second wave is coming. They've been saying it's coming for months. Legault is frightening people with third waves.  They have people masked up and likely weakening their immune systems while telling them to get flu shots as Ford is begging people to do in Ontario Now there are studies from Bergamo in Italy questioning if that actually makes people more vulnerable to acute respiratory disease. Add that they all creepily use the same propaganda jargon (flatten the curve, overwhelm the system, wear a mask, save a life etc.) and we have a very strange situation.

Either these are all coincidences or it's actually a planned attack.

Remember. Positive cases mean nothing. The infection rates are low.

This is one of the all-time great propaganda coup and medical hysteria. 

Be aware. Keep your eyes and ears open.

The next 60 days will be something to monitor. 


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