
Canada Must Pivot And End This Madness Immediately

Between the unreliable PCR tests which experts say we shouldn't be using and the masks, we're deluding ourselves into a life of oblivion.

We're deceiving ourselves into thinking we're faced with a plague when in fact this simply isn't the case. Had that criminal Neil Ferguson not scared the world into lockdowns with his faulty models, we would NOT be in this horribly anti-scientific position to the point our civl liberties are being eradicated.

Living behind masks is not a life. And it's especially pernicious given we fine people and now we live in fear of one another.

Worse, the masks DO NOT protect you or others. It's a simple lie.

It's an illogical over reaction employing a misapplication of the precautionary principle.

If people don't wake up soon, we may find ourselves living with them permanently and this is distressful. 

The cases mean nothing.

The Canadian government is acting irresponsibly and with malice in my view with their absurd lockdowns and masks. If they work, why are we seeing cases rise?

Enough of already.

Go look at the data. It most definitely is in line with other influenza and coronavirus strains. This is not a virus that justifies what's happening to us.

But it starts with YOU!

Stop wearing them alone in public or in the car. Free yourself.



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